Peru · South America · Travel

2016/05/23, Peru day 6, Inca Trail day 4

2:50 wake up call 3:14 at the gate waiting for the ranger 5:30 gate opened Fast march from night to day, kinda dangerous. Too bad we couldn’t stop to admire the landscape. 6:30 at the Sun Gate 7:48 group picture at the view point of Machu Picchu. Dry shampoo was a good idea. Exitted Inca trail.… Continue reading 2016/05/23, Peru day 6, Inca Trail day 4

Peru · South America · Travel

2016/05/22, Peru day 5, Inca Trail day 3

5:45 wake up 6:30 breakfast 7:30 take off Tropical Forrest Hike Between Bilka nota, bilka bamba 9:48 take off from the top of the mountain Phuyupatamarka ruins, for astronomical study Snow glacier covered mountain 2 hours up and down to the top, rest, saw lama and eagles 3 hours down. Learned to count in Spanish… Continue reading 2016/05/22, Peru day 5, Inca Trail day 3

Peru · South America · Travel

2016/05/21, Peru day 5, Inca Trail day 2

5:00 wake up call with coca leaf tea 6:00 all packed, breakfast, pancake, bread, cheese and cold cut, 7:00 take off, snacks peanut butter nuts chocolate, mandarin orange 9:00 half way lama farm, last stop to buy stuff 11:00 top of the hill, the Dead Woman’s Pass, super strenuous. Snacks: hot drink, cheese bread 11:30… Continue reading 2016/05/21, Peru day 5, Inca Trail day 2

Peru · South America · Travel

2016/5/20, Peru day 4, Inca Trail day 1

4:20 pick up 7:00 pit stop 8:00 arrive at the trail head, pack duffel bag with sleeping bag and pillow 8:20 breakfast 8:40 walk towards the pass, passport control and permit control 9:40 start hiking, frequent stops 14:00 lunch: avocado with potato salad, pumpkin soup, bread, trout, corn with cheese, rice, potato tortilla, stir fried… Continue reading 2016/5/20, Peru day 4, Inca Trail day 1

Peru · South America · Travel

2016/5/19, Peru day 3, Cusco

早餐时跟旅馆老板聊天。她说无线网络慢是整个Cusco的问题。人多,tower少,有时打电话说两句就会断。曾经一度不错,但是人越来越多,群众怕得癌症不让建tower,就成现在这样了。另外一个吃饭的客人说整个南美都有这个问题。老板说那个客人2008年来过,这里那时候可是大不一样。人少多了,山都是绿的,没有人家。她199几年买下这里的时候,$17,000,包括公证什么的。现在市中心一平米要$4000到$5000。政府着重发展lima,她装修旅馆都是去Lima买建材,选择多,便宜一半儿。看病有些时候也要去Lima。 Cusco有很多游荡的狗狗,不是很脏,也都不瘦,谁喂它们呢?LG说有可能和我们自己家的狗狗一样,被主人放出去玩儿。一般都不理人也不会招惹你。昨天看到一只在晒太阳好惬意,想照张相,挨得太近了,狗狗起身吠了几声。下午爬山的时候,有一条金毛小狗跟着我们走了一段,很温驯的样子。还有一次想爬一段楼梯,上边参差站了三条大狗,盯着我们叫,我们就知难而退了哈哈。 吃完早饭大概人都走了,网速快了起来,可以上传图片了。坐在桌子前边发呆。LG要去爬山,我留在家里补眠。看了一会儿书,然后睡到下午1点。饿醒了。吃了一个energy bar。喝Coca Leaf茶等LG回来。LG1点多回来了,兴冲冲地告诉我爬到了山顶的小教堂,看到了山那边的山和机场,还有一个赶着羊群的牧羊人。 和旅馆经理Martin说了明天要一早check out。旅馆会给我们准备早餐box。行李放在房间就好。我说23号可能要去火车站接。他说一般alpaca expedition都会从旅馆接人,再把人送回旅馆的。 旅馆的出租车司机Jose把我们送到San Pedro Market附近的一家小餐馆。餐馆里的服务人员不会说英语,餐牌也是西班牙语。边上就是西班牙语学校,共用一个小院子。阳光照着好温馨。刚进去一条金毛摇头摆尾的来讨好。饭菜一般。面包很好吃,蘸酱里有大蒜有牛油果,不错。41sol,LG喜欢那里的咖啡奶昔。 饭后去隔一条街的San Pedro Market。很大,外边靠墙一圈儿衣服商品,中间各种生熟食品摊位。买了一套皮杯垫12sol。从Market出来,市中心的商业街上,有不少按摩拉客的小姑娘。一小时20sol。shiatsu和足底是30。LG shiatzu很满意,给了50。我说物价就是你们这种人炒上去的。 6点半去Alpaca Expedition的办公室,开了个爬山前的准备会/问答会。每个人发了一个装行李的提包。导游Jose指着一张地图介绍行程。第二天会爬两个比较难爬的山,所以会最累。(给导游、挑山工、厨师们的)小费每人一共140sol。建议每人带400sol。明早4:20从旅馆接人。开车2小时到入口,早餐,开爬。 每天三餐。会分一些snacks带路上充饥。最后一天送回旅馆。 餐馆: 后院: 面包: 金毛: 市场: Freeze dried potatoes 昨天去Blanco Cristo时经过的教堂: Inca Trail的地图:第一天 14公里,第二天16公里,第三天10公里,第四天5公里。第二天要爬两座大山,4200米的Dead Woman’s Pass(超级累),和4000米的Runkurakay Pass,中间隔了一个3600米的Pacaymayo。

Peru · South America · Travel

2016/05/17-06/02, Peru, Cuzco/Cusco, Inca Trails 4d/3n, Andean Lodge 5d/4n, overview

Preparation: 1. Book the Inca Trail Hiking trip a year ahead. 2. Water proof jacket, hiking pants, and hiking boots. 3. A day hike backpack such as Osprey Daylite. 4. External battery. 5. Head lamp.   Itinerary: May 17-19, arriving in Cuzco, checking in to the Hotel Torre Dorada, climbing a mountain to acclimate to… Continue reading 2016/05/17-06/02, Peru, Cuzco/Cusco, Inca Trails 4d/3n, Andean Lodge 5d/4n, overview

The Big Island of Hawaii

January 4/5, coffee farm and Thai food

Breakfast at “Splash” with good view and great house potatoes. Snorkeling at Hapuna Beach. Sand castle. Great pulled pork at Aloha Deli. Another sunset at Kapa’a Beach. No whale in sight. Kona Coffee: Visited the Fike Farms and the Greenwell Farm. The pictures are from the Greenwell Farm. Nice free guided tour and coffee tasting.… Continue reading January 4/5, coffee farm and Thai food

The Big Island of Hawaii

January 3, From Hapuna Beach to Mauna Kea Beach, Pololu Valley, and whale watching at Kapa’a Beach Park

Hapuna Beach has parking for $5. You can also park outside of the parking area and walk a little farther to the beach. It was quite busy. The ocean front hike from Hapuna Beach to Mauna Kea Beach was very pleasant, with beautiful scenery. A heart-shaped coral Lunch was at Aloha Deli. Good food. Too… Continue reading January 3, From Hapuna Beach to Mauna Kea Beach, Pololu Valley, and whale watching at Kapa’a Beach Park

The Big Island of Hawaii

January 1, Alii Drive and Hike halfway to Captain Cook Monument

Kailua-Kona The Magic Sands Beach at Alii Drive, cute and quite crowded. The hike was a spontaneous idea and we weren’t prepared for the 2.5 miles steep descending. There were quarter mile markers from 1-8. Very strenuous. Not recommended. I’ve heard that snorkeling at Captain Cook was a must. A wild goat? The view from… Continue reading January 1, Alii Drive and Hike halfway to Captain Cook Monument